Useful Idiots: Lars von Trier

With this post I’m starting a new section on this blog about useful idiots .

I intend to write about celebrities, opinion leaders etc. that are used by Russian propaganda with them having no clue (differently from people who are obviously Russian assets). I plan to write a more detailed post on the history of the term “useful idiot” in the future.

So today we look at an instagram post by renowned Danish director Lars von Trier:

Lars von Trier instagram post saying To Mr. Zelenskyj and Mr. Putin, and not least Mrs. Frederiksen (who yesterday, like someone head over heels in love, posed in the cockpit of one of the scariest killing machines of our time, grinning from ear to ear): RUSSIAN LIVES MATTER ALSO!

The post reads:

By the way: To Mr. Zelenskyj and Mr. Putin, and not least Mrs. Frederiksen (who yesterday, like someone head over heels in love, posed in the cockpit of one of the scariest killing machines of our time, grinning from ear to ear):


Best regards Lars

Interesting point Mr. von Trier. So when Russians bomb our cities we shouldn’t defend ourselves because we should care about Russian lives.

What about an extremely simple way of protecting Russian lives: getting out of Ukraine?

It’s not the victim’s fault that the attacker got injured while attacking. It’s the victim’s achievement.

So if you want to protect Russian lives then help us stop the war, not put your influence behind their aggression.